In the immediate aftermath of the First World War, Clifford Hugh Douglas wrote his first texts on Social Credit, Economic Democracy and The Control and Distribution of Production. During the following two decades, a body of literature was evolved on the subject of alternatives to the oppressive centralised political State which governs access to the cultural and economic spheres. In the final decades of the twentieth century these valuable texts were cast aside in favour of the one-size-fits-all notion of material progress.
Guild Socialism and Douglas Social Credit had this in common: in their different ways they both questioned the deep faith that Marxist and most brands of socialism shared with the prophets of capitalism – that economic growth was in itself beneficent and necessary, and ultimately liberating. The guild socialists questioned this on aesthetic, philosophic and social grounds under the influence of William Morris, John Ruskin, and even of Robert Owen. Read more...
In The Archaeology of Economic Thought Frances Hutchinson surveys the history of economic thought. Many would-be students of alternative economics turn first to mainstream economics, expecting to find enlightenment. The essay was first published as an attachment to What Everybody Really Wants to Know About Money (see Publications Page).
International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 21, No. 1 (1994): 19-28
Major Douglas' Proposals for a National Dividend: a Logical Successor to the Wage
Brian Burkitt and Frances Hutchinson.
Out of the Margin: Feminist Perspectives on Economics, Edith Kuyper and Jolande Sap (eds.) London and New York: Rouledge 1995
A Heretical View of Economic Growth and Income Distribution
Frances Hutchinson.
The Political Quarterly, Vol. 70, No. 4 (1999): 443-451
The Contemporary Relevance of Clifford Hugh Douglas
Frances Hutchinson and Brian Burkitt
Sustainable Development, Vol 7, No. 2 (1999): 57-63
Towards a New Approach to Income Distribution and Environmental Sustainability
Frances Hutchinson and Brian Burkitt
European Business Review/New European, Vol. 17, No. 2 (2005): 193-200
If Citizen's income is the answer, what is the question?
Frances Hutchinson.
Women's Studies International Forum, Vol 20, No. 2 (1997): 321-327
An Economic Silence: Women and Social Credit
Frances Hutchinson and Brian Burkitt
Local Environment, Vol. 2, No. 1 (1997): 9-17
Towards a Re-evaluation of the Role of Finance in the Causation of Environmental Degradation
Frances Hutchinson and Brian Burkitt.
The European Legacy, Vol. 5, No.6 (2000): 207-214
Alternative Ways of Financing Production
Frances Hutchinson and Brian Burkitt.
Indian Journal of Economics, Vol. 47, No. 1 (2000)
Douglas, Marx and Money
Frances Hutchinson and Brian Burkitt
Social Scientist, Vol. 29, Nos. 11-12, (2000)
The Transformation of Fisher King to Robber Baron
Frances Hutchinson and Brian Burkitt
An Interfaith Perspective on Globalisation Common Goals, Common Crises, Common Call and Common Hope
International Conference Plater College, Oxford July-August 2002
The Tree of Life: Reclaiming a Rich History
Frances Hutchinson
'30+5 I know, I was There' by Alfred J Hooke-
a first-hand account of the workings and history of the Social Credit Government in Alberta, Canada 1935-68
About the Author
Alfred John Hooke was born in Whitecroft, Gloucestershire, UK on 25 February
1905, the same year in which Alberta in Western Canada became a province. At the age of eight he went to Alberta with his parents and attended school till he was thirteen. He worked as a hired hand till he was seventeen, then returned to school and successfully completed five years of study with their attendant exams in three years.
He started teaching in 1926 and for eight of the following nine years was principal of three different high schools. He left teaching in 1935 to become a full-time Member of the Legislature (Parliament) in the world’s first Social Credit
government. On 1 June 1943 he entered the Cabinet as Provincial Secretary. He was made Chairman of the Post-War Reconstruction Committee, the
recommendations of which Committee resulted in the formation of the
Department of Economic Affairs in June 1945 of which Mr Hooke became
Minister. In 1952 he also assumed the portfolio of Minister of Public Works when the previous incumbent became ill.
From 1955 onwards he held a variety of other ministerial posts until his
retirement from the Cabinet in 1968 when he returned to the back benches.
His book, ‘30+5 I Know, I was There’ gives a first-hand account of the workings and history of the Social Credit Government in Alberta, 1935-1968. ‘His is a record of public service seldom, if ever, equalled in Canada.’
This book is available in its entirety.
Please click on individual chapters below to download.
Books and back numbers of journals, including The Social Crediter, The Fig Tree, and The New Age are available for study in the Library. Contact us for access details.
Immediately before the Second World War broke out, Dr. G. Wachsmuth, based in Dornach, Switzerland, wrote a lucid explanation of the basic ideas of Dr. Rudolf Steiner on The Threefold Social Order. The text is reproduced here.